Feb 21, 2007 12:01
Using this icon cause I finally saw the Ballard/Falsone peach moment, and I'm trying to decide if my man Jimmy could make it hot, or not. I think Dullzone was supposed to be network McNutty, but he doesn't do it for me, or to get ghetto, "He ain't hitting on nothing with that." Maybe peaches aren't sexy. Maybe Seda's not sexy. Maybe murder police macking in the break room is not sexy. But I'm probably kidding myself...Domenic West could chew on a peach and waggle his eyebrows and probably own me for life.
Oh, as usual, dear.
Let us never speak of The Peach again.
My day can only get better from here.
Although I do have an urge to send a box of peaches to New Jersey now.
"We begin in Baltimore, Maryland..."
KO(frowning over a note) What the hell is this? Settle a bet...is there ever a time peaches aren't in season? Not since the blizzard of '47...why?
OK, peaches are not so much with the sexy. Although watching him work geek-fu with the peach crop might be.(Willow is *so* a Countdown fan.)