Nyahahaha~ I finished it yesterday. Today. Very early today I finished it.
I've been babysitting a cat so I haven't had much else to do but to play the game, and since I'm getting KH3D at the end of the month I figured I should finish it asap.
Anyhooo, it was really good. The side-missions were a bit bland, but I liked the story overall, I loved the
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...holy crap, I JUST checked my email (I'm multi-tasking, and this comment box has been open for over an hour), and she wrote me back! I've got a beta!! :DDD
Eee, I'm glad you liked it! :D
Oh gosh, I'm sorry. ._. Well, I can tell you one thing: Joshua will not stand for things like that to be said around him, so he just might help ya with that urge to slap more than once in this. ;)
I guess it's good that I've come from the background I have with Saix, first hating him, then growing to sympathize with him, 'cause that's kind of how my fic is going to go; a despicable Saix who gradually becomes a decent human being.
...actually, I worry about how in-character my Saix is at times. ._.' Especially in that scene. I can't decide if Saix would be the yelling kind or not...
(Of course, nothing's happened to him in-canon that would provoke such a response - no fairies turning him gay - so this is more or less new territory? Not to mention it being AU...idk :/)
Oh, and I picked a toad because well...they're not the prettiest amphibians. :P I mean, I love 'em and all - I go crazy when a baby toad winds up on our back porch - but American toads are like, warty and muddy-colored. So, I think for Saix!toad, I'm imagining a big, warty, muddy-water-blue toad, with an angry face. Not pretty. xD
Ohh, you don't have to apologize! I enjoy stories that brings out all the character-related feelings. ^^
Personally, I don't think he would be the yelling type, but then it would also depend on context? I don't think he's the kind to verbally express anger, hurt or any other feeling that makes him vulnerable, unless it's subtle. I think he would much rather hide such feelings than to deal with them. He might be one to raise his voice when he's annoyed or frightened, but I think that's up for interpretation.
The reason that makes me think that he's one to keep things in is the way he turns into berserk-mode in canon-verse. He's generally so calm and cold, but when he turns it's like he's unleashing all of the pent up negative emotions in a way that's destructive and irrational. His fit of rage just empties him on bad feelings that he's been holding in to make room for more bad feelings, and it's vicious circle that sort of turns him into what he is?
But in your case I think you should outweigh his characterization with the genre of your story whenever it's beneficial and appropriate. His reaction to Joshua's actions is where a bit of the comedy lies. He's frightened, confused, shocked even, and he's having his beliefs questioned, so I think a little yelling is in order ^_^
XDD Poor guy!
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