Running around like a crazy person, but...

May 20, 2012 13:45

All is good. The Supernatural season finale was GREAT. I was expecting heartbreak and disappointment and feeling empty afterwards but no, I am excited for season 8, and the stuff coming in from Asylum 8 is just nnggh! Also, I'm on some kind of creativity high. I've been drawing stuff that's actually nice *_* Axel/Saïx stuff which I might post if and when I get done with the drawings so stay tuned all you four fellow Akusai-fangirls out there!

I actually like the Big Bang-fic I'm working on @.@ It has such a weird atmosphere. I don't know how to explain it. But I like that I like it. I have three other fics in progress, one of which I came up with yesterday only because I friend sent me this Gregorian-song that's pure awesomeness and I can't stop listening to it.

I have a Tumblr now! I've had it for two weeks and I've been making some new friends to fangirl with. It's dangerously addictive though! I've spent some late nights on there. I'm angelswithouthearts if anyone wants to take a look. It's currently SWAMPED with Destiel-feels. There's a dash of Akusai and Shinhwa-stuff.

Work has been so-so. It's difficult to find clients that seem professional enough and pay well *_* But, I'm so happy about everything else that it hasn't really bothered me. I just have to keep on looking! :D

big bang, kingdom hearts, supernatural, fanfic, rl, work, destiel

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