Jun 30, 2005 14:20
Yesterday, i wuz sooo pissed off. My dad called & hes like this week dont make any plans. & i wuz like "even this wkend?". & hes like yes. I wuz sooo effen pissed. He sed i need to spend more time with the family blah blah blah. I told him that i had plans for this wkend. We jus got back from effen p.r. & thats a family vacation. So i told my mom what he sed & hes like yea i kno. Thank u mom for telling him that i need to b with my frends! How does my dad know that im not with my family? Hes hardly even here to notice! JESUS!! lol but im hoping i can go to club paris this sunday without any trouble. I think its still a maybe. Thank god its only 10 bucks. I just made $10 by cleaning my room & my bathroom. So hopefully it will be all good. Once again...thank u Franie! ♥♥♥