Jan 22, 2003 17:17
so i finally got to hang out nicole on tuesday night...i wasn't planning on going to the peacock that night since last week she was supposed to be there and didn't show up. I had decided that if she called me then fine but i'm not going to keep persuing something if she doesn't seem interested. Well i got a call from my buddy jim that she was there so after finishing watching Smallville(my favorite show ever) i decided that i might as well go hangout. I got there and saw jim, jay, mike, michelle, jen(pretty much their whole crew) sara (jay's girlfriend) nicole and some other girl were sitting in the back and i couldn't see them when i walked in. As soon as i put my jacket on a stool jay told me that nicole had started dating some cowboy guy...i figured "oh well no big deal" and then jim said he'd buy my drinks for the evening so that was cool. After my first pint and a half, someone tapped me on the shoulder...it was nicole...she apologized for not showing up and stuff and then we started talking. She seemed really cool and conversation was going good and after a couple hours and some more beers we were comfortable enough to talk about more personal stuff. She said that i make her really nervous which was good i guess and that she thought i had beautiful eyes and things of that nature. This made me happy.....we then decided that there was the potential for something between us so we planned to do something together later this week. We're not sure what yet but it'll probably involve seeing Lord of the rings the two towers since we're practically the only people left that haven't seen it yet. He friend was then nice enough to give me a ride home.....she gave me a hug and that was that....all in all things went way better then i expected....however i'm not going to get my hopes too high cause when i do something bad usually happens like she has to move to mexico or spain for student exchange(like my exgirlfriend).