Oct 01, 2004 10:22
I am working in the WOmen's Studies Library right now. I am supposed to be putting barcodes in an endless stream of books but after an hour and 15 min I needed a break. I only have to tdo this for a few more days and then something less mind numbing.
So debate last night! Oh how I love it when Bush is forced to speak without a telepromter! Anyone else notice he had 2 strategies: A. Stall by having long pauses where you try to think of "difficult" words to impresss the audience adn your mom B. Pretty much demeanding the 1 minute extension that was supposed to be at JIM LEHER's discretion and then talking before the green light came on or continuing after time was up. Before the debate we all got together adn were so nervous thinking "Please Kerry don't fuck it up just don't fuck it up. And he didn't YAY. So next week's debate is at Wash U in St Louis......Meggy, anything interesting going on??? It was loads of fun to watch the debate on the big screen with the rest of the College Dems jeering at Bush when he said "I know how the world works" this coming from the man who once refered to the Spanish language as Mexican, oh and we got goodie bags from teh Kerry Edwards campaign with buttons adn stickers adn candy and such. We also had Tshirts made that said "One term president" or "Like a Rock Only Dumber; Vote Kerry '04" with pics of Bush. Instead of going out to celebrate like most I went to Andre's for a little while and tried to get him his absintee forms, but he would have none of that :::wink wink:: When I finally returned home I was too tired to work on myt Spanish workbook which is due today. CEST LA VIE!