**The Adventures of July 15th**

Jul 15, 2002 23:36

So here we are...The infamous E and L of HEL ready to give our report of this days rather strange events...We began our day with the usual meeting on MSN which resulted in our realization that it would be a beautiful day to hit the town and go shopping (cuz we just never get around to doing that at all hehe!!) So we hopped on the bus headin for Amsterdam. Once there, after about 2 minutes, as we passed a watch shop Liz found an irresistible watch that she just couldn’t part with. We couldn’t have it living in the shop all alone now, could we?!?! After the awesome purchase, we had worked up quite an appetite so we followed our hearts to our favorite sandwich stop, SUBWAY, only to have our hearts broken by the fact that SUBWAY no longer exists in Amsterdam! No fear tho, because we were led by HOTT Israeli boys (one with a white shirt and a tan belt in particular!!) to a lovely Italian restaurant across from our favorite dance club, Mr. Coco’s! After making friends with our sexual Italian waiter and having the best spaghetti carbonara in Amsterdam, we decided to hit the theaters and catch the next showing of Spiderman. With a little time to spare before the movie started, we grabbed our FaVoRiTe dessert, fresh strawberries with whipped cream and snuck it ever so slyly into the movie theater! After exactly 2 hrs and 1 minute of TORTURE we left the theater feeling as though we were about to hoark! It was a mix of bad animation, bad acting, LOADS OF SHIT MUSH, and to top it all off there was a terrible ending!! With our spirits down, we took the next tram 5 home, only to remember that we had forgotten to pick up a package at the American Hotel. As we got off and saw the HOTTEST man in the world (and resisted our urge to get back on the tram and jump him) we walked the whole distance to the hotel...we never could ahve been prepared for what happened next!! Finally we reached the hotel, but unfortunately we had to wait in line behind a gaggle of Spaniards to get to the front desk. To pass the time by, we did what we do best, checked out guys! As Ettaniya motioned for me to take a gander at the male to my 6 o’clock, I was astounded by the sight, NOT of the guy however, but of the chick standing to his left...oh yeah it was most definitely AVRIL LAVIGNE!! That’s correct the SINGER of “Complicated” standing freaking 2 feet behind me!!! As I attempted very unseccessfully to whisper to Ettaniya “That’s Avril Lavigne!” her whole entourage stopped and looked over at us and then hurried off...DAMN where was the camera when we needed it?!? Avril had left so we thought we might as well, so we caught a bus this time and for a moment we thought we were in Spain...the ENTIRE bus was filled with Spanish teens, not a dutch person in sight! AND that brings us to noww..two girls sitting at a computer not believing that this all wasn’t a dream...so here we are, the infamous E and L of HEL signing off. Be ready to hear how tomorrow goes!

Ettaniya and Liz
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