(no subject)

Nov 25, 2011 17:56

Down to 108 pounds.. so at 5'3 that makes my bmi 19.1.  Tolerable I suppose.  Way better than it was.  It amazes me how I'd been doing so well for such a long time, at a healthy, totally average weight of 125.  How quickly I lost that weight!  I am now sliding out of my size 2 skinny jeans.  This is a feeling I haven't had in oh so long, and I love that I have it again!  And I can FINALLY get back on here bc I finally got a netbook so I can get online.  No internet at home, and my old laptop doesn't work anymore.  So it's been a while.  I don't even know if I know anybody on here anymore, but maybe.. I'll have to check and see.

Anyway, yesterday was Thanksgiving.. my worst nightmare!!!!  Always!  Even when I was doing well and not worried about weight, etc.. it was awful..  I don't know what it is about people gorging themselves with food, but it disgusts me.  I only had a few cheese and crackers, and somehow it went unnoticed.  Maybe bc I'm a 25 year old independent adult and people just don't give a shit anymore.  Also bc I don't have to go to my crazy family gatherings anymore.  It's just my little family basically.  Mom, dad, my sister, me, 2 of my sister's 3 kids, my aunt Vicki (fresh out serious surgery to remove some cancer), and my cousin Greg.  It was a nice little gathering though.  I enjoy talking to my family now.  Then I went out shopping with my mom last night and got this computer!  hooray!  It was cold waiting in line, but totally worth it.

so much has been happening it's hard to even know where to start.. and I don't want to seriously depress anybody who happens to read this so... Idk.  I suppose I'll keep it short and simple.

Dated a guy named Jeremy for 4 months, then randomly he pushed me away just like every other guy.  Stopped responding to texts, etc.  Why is it that I always have that happen to me????
My sister got arrested again with 2 big bags of cocaine.. she just can't stay out of trouble ever!
My aunt has really bad cancer right now.  Had surgery Monday though, and she actually made it to Thanksgiving dinner so that's a plus.
My parents are constantly in the middle of a custody battle for my sister's kids.  Joseph is 7.  His dad is a huge jerk.  Brycen is 2, and Gracie is 1.  Their dad is also a huge jerk.  So.. it's a huge ordeal, but hopefully my parents will win in the end.  They are good people who really love those kids.  They deserve custody.
My job is getting ready to be eliminated for the winter.. awesome, right???   Not really.  I'm looking forward to some time off, but i still have bills to pay.  Just went to court with Capital One a couple weeks ago.. going to be paying them $30 a month for eternity.. nice.

But, I'm still here.. so that's something.  And who knew how different I would be today than I was when I first started this journal.  Still a lot of the same things, but.. different as well.

there's a picture behind the cut, just for my own records.. nothing too crazy.. my face isn't even in it.. probably no need for anybody else to open.. but feel free if you'd like

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