the long ass entry i haven't been able to post b/c lj is gay and won't let me ever post anything!

Jun 08, 2007 14:41

so.. my sister has been out of jail since May 7th.. but here's the story.. she told us she was going to come home.. then decided to go to a friend's house for the first night instead.. well.. she called when she got out, then we didn't hear from her again for a week.. my parents were like flipping out and i seriously thought my mom was going to have a heart attack (she already has heart problems anyway).. but yea.. we kept trying to call her with no answer.. then i get a call on my phone from a policeman saying he had her phone b/c some chick had her phone and got arrested.. so we were like freaking out thinking my sister had been murdered or something.. well.. she finally called and came home.. i think she only lives so she can make my life hell..

i stopped talking to tice for nearly 2 months.. seriously.. didn't even attempt to call him or anything.. then he called me last week.. so i went over there.. and i told him exactly how i feel about everything.. told him i don't really like him as much anymore and that he treated me like shit.. that he's an asshole.. i think i said asshole like 27 times.. lol.. but i still slept with him.. oops.. oh well.. i don't even really care anymore.. i'm just trying to have fun.. and i'm going to.. i only feel bad bc i've been hanging out and talking to scott a lot again.. and he's really sweet to me and he respects me.. he's not my boyfriend or anything.. but i still feel bad about it.. i know i wouldn't want him going out and having sex with some other girl now.. but yea.. funny story about scott.. he came and stayed the night with me at my parent's house like 2 weeks ago.. lol.. great times.. my parents actually like him and they've only met him twice.. and the first time he was drunk.. haha.. but yea. .my dad wasn't an asshole to him at all either time!!!  he was really nice and actually talked to him.. which is like a new thing for my dad.. 
i bought joseph a drum set b/c his 3rd birthday is coming up on july 6th.. it's awesome!  scott is going to help me put it together..  :)

but yea.. about tice again. i accidentally left my pillow at his house :(  my FAVORITE pillow.. and he still has it.. we work pretty close by each other now.. (b/c i switched jobs too btw).. and he was supposed to bring it to work today so i could come get it, but he forgot.. of course.. likely story.. i'm sure he just wants me to come over to get it so maybe he'll get some.. lol.. 
i don't want him to think he has me wrapped around his finger anymore b/c he doesn't.. but it sucks.. i got invited to a party out there last weekend and i didn't go b/c i didn't want him to think i was only going b/c of him.. but i really wanted to go.. just to see all my friends out there that i haven't seen in forever b/c i've been avoiding going out there for the last two months to avoid seeing tice.. it's complicated.. oh well.. i'll go to the next party.. i'm pretty sure tice won't be an asshole to me.. not after the talk i gave him.. i told him thta i didn't really have a problem if we were just "friends with benefits".. but that I deserve respect.. and he doesn't give me that.. and he apologized.. which might mean absolutely nothing.. but i think that he won't really bother me if i'm out there.. it'll be like he'll be really sweet or we'll just not really talk to each other at all.. he won't completely ignore me.. he never does.. but he used to be somewhat of an asshole.. like he was trying to prove something to his friends.. i don't know.. b/c he's super sweet when we're alone or we're at his house with a few other people, but at parties he's weird.. oh well.. i'm gonna shut up about him now

how is everybody else doing?

my sister got arrested again early the morning of June 7th.. so she was out for exactly one month.. we don't know what she did or where she is.. my aunt called 8 county jails in the state and she wasn't in any of them.. i bet she's in like Ohio.. she's a dumbass... she called my mom and said.. "hey mom.. i'm innocent.. but i'm in jail right now so i need you to go get joseph".. so yea.. at 1am my mom had to go and pick joseph up from this strange ladies house my sister barely knew and we didn't know at all

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