no life exists here

Jul 10, 2005 16:17

Name: Alyson
Birthdate: july 9 
Birthplace: kaiser hospital 
Current Location: my room
Eye Color: yellowish brownish(cat eyes if you will...) 
Hair Color: brown with left over black dye all over the place(oy what a mess) 
Height: 5'4 or so
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: cancer (i wish i could buy a shirt with my sign on it without it looking like "69")


Your heritage: various places in Europe
The shoes you wore today: barefoot baby 
Your weakness: candy bars 
Your fears: lynching, the grim reaper, losing people i love dearly (aw how emo of me) 
Your perfect pizza: a really oily one.....hahaha
Goal you'd like to achieve: being in a horror movie would be pretty bomb


Your most overused phrase: "mmm" only some know what i'm talking about, but thats ok. 
Your thoughts first waking up: ugh i'm going back to sleep
Your best physical feature: ? muahahahahaha my shalakazooo
Your bedtime: when ever i want, god!
Your most missed memory: not having any worries on a fun summer day


Pepsi or Coke: pepsi although, an occasional diet coke just makes me bubbly inside
McDonald's or Burger King: burger king i guess 
Single or Relationship: relationship (with eight mormon guys on the side)

Adidas or Nike: just do it.
Chocolate or vanilla: hahahahaha thats funny. 
Cappuccino or coffee: how about mocha frappacino!! yummy.,..


Smoke: cigarettes dont really appeal to the alyson 
Cuss: i dont cuss. 
Sing: like an angel 
Take a shower: yes i have once or twice in my life, sure.
Have a crush(es): mmmmm conan obrian, zack braff, ed norton and so many more
Want to go to college: i have to... 
Like high school: ew no 
Want to get married: i dunno, not any time soon. 
Believe in yourself: sure
Get motion sickness: no
Think you're a health freak: no quite the opposite--i live with plenty of them though


In the past month...
Done a drug: yup
Had Sex: nope
Made Out: ow!!
Gone on a date: yes MR. i will have her home by twelve. 
Gone to the mall?: yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: oreos are shitty cookies 
Eaten sushi: yes
Been on stage: yeseree
Gone skating: nope
Made homemade cookies: no
Gone skinny dipping: no but i wish i had cuz it feels delicious
Dyed your hair: yes
Stolen anything: i dont think so

Played a game that required removal of clothing: nope
If so, was it mixed company:
Been caught "doing something": hahaha no
Been called a tease: tease(r)? hehe.....ya.
Gotten beaten up: not physically......EMO
Changed who you were to fit in: ah middle school,.........


Age you hope to be married: i dont know!!! 
Numbers and Names of Children: if i decide that i want them, i want a bumch of boys
Describe your dream wedding: my man and a shit load of cake and chardonay!!
How do you want to die: peacefully, maybe eating a chocolate bar.....
Where you want to go to college: san fransisco state 
What do you want to be when you grow up: an acress 
What country(ies) would you most like to visit: i would love to visit China, or England


In a boy/girl..
Best eye color? either a really clear blue or green, or a deep dark brown 
Best hair color? dark hair 
Short or long hair:  it depends on the guys face
Height: tall is nice, but i really dont care
Best weight: as long as theyre healthy 
Best articles of clothing: those skin tight black pants
Best first date location: i dunno, first dates are never that great so why waste it on a romantic spot?? 
Best first kiss location: the beach


Number of people I could trust with my life: i dont really feel like counting. hopefully more than one. 
Number of CDs that I own: eeeshk many 
Number of piercing: four
Number of tattoos: ya no tatoos YET 
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? a few times in the school newspaper! a couple in the times
Number of scars on my body: oy do i have to count? i bump into everything man!!

wow you read the entire thing!! congrats!! hahahahah bye bye bye bye bye .
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