Oct 09, 2009 15:37
Last night I saw "Zapata's Garden" by the Chiapas Media Project, about the Zapatista village Emiliano Zapata's collective gardening. It was part of a series of weekly film screenings in Pilsen, Chicago, and here's the info for next weeks:
Movies of Rebellion towards 2010/Cine de Rebelion hacia el 2010
When: Thu, October 15, 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Where: Movies of Rebellion towards 2010/Cine de Rebelion hacia el 2010
Description: Movies of Rebellion towards 2010/Cine de Rebelion hacia el 2010 movies about contemporary latin american struggles/peliculas sobre las luchas contemporaneas de latinoamerica Colectivo Autonomo Sin Fronteras Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 7:00pm Lichen Lending Library/Biblioteca Autonoma Lichen, 1921 S. Blue Island, Chicago, IL a series of independent films about latin america una serie de peliculas independientes sobre latinoamerica every Thursday starting September 24th cada Jueves empezando el Septiembre 24 the year 2010 marks the centennial anniversary of the mexican revolution - a controversial and much criticized uprising that has been thoroughly co-opted by neoliberal technocrats of the capitalist party system. however, new forms of social organization, autonomy, self-management and insurrection seem poised to shake these institutions and their diseased siblings throughout latin america. in many struggles throughout mexico, 2010 has become a symbol for future social rupture and has been embraced as an enigma with which to contest and reinvent the past. join us as we navigate the realities of these struggles through the medium of film as the landmark year approaches.