Feb 03, 2009 09:37
First of all, let me apologize for being one of those touristy people who are like "OMG VISITING YOUR CITY, PLEAS HELP."
I scrolled through the past entries, but since everyone has different touristy habits, I couldn't find much that applied to me. Also: many of the generic travel websites are just intimidating as heck, and LJ people are way better at helping..always.
So I beg you for help.
1. I've never been to Chicago. (Which is especially sad because I live in St. Louis...)
2.I will be visiting Chicago with my b/f who actually lived there for two years, and we will be staying with his friend, who lives in Logan Square.
3. Three full days spent, Fri, Sat, and Sun (this coming)
4. As fabulous as these people are, they are not suggesting...anything to me. They want me to figure out what I want to do and they will come along. AHHHHH. This is too intimidating for me.
So I was wondering if you could help me.
So here's some stuff that might..help?
I really like to eat. (I don't eatta the meatta, but I do like pizza and mexican. I'm sure my people have their own suggestions for Chicago pie..but if I could one up them with something better, that might be kind of hilarious)
I really like to drink, on the cheap.
I like stuff that is unique to a city and kind of weird (for example, even though St. Louis has a pretty bomb Art Museum, Zoo, etc, I always like to take people to the City Museum...this crazy playground for adults made of weird old historical stuff).
I like walkable neighborhoods that have weird shops and eateries and such.
I can tell you that I spend my free time in St. Louis in dive bars, local music venues, places with pizza, running around like a maniac in the middle of Forest Park, flying kites, climbing stuff and tinkering with mopeds.
Okay so any help would be not only appreciated but like SUPER appreciated because I want to come at these people with like a huge list of junk and BLOW THEIR FEEBLE MINDS.
travel - things to see & do