Information on Chicago Neighborhoods

Nov 15, 2007 22:46

I think I've searched the tags pretty thoroughly, so I apologize right now if this is really redundant for the rest of you in this community.

To start: I am planning on moving to Chicago in the near future. I keep saying that "as soon as I find a job in Chicago, I'm moving there!" (Unfortunately, the more I read the entries about finding work in this community, the more that seems to maybe not be such a good idea because I might be waiting for a long time)
Sadly, my knowledge of Chicago is primarily of the...downtown area. And only the downtown area. I visited Andersonville a couple of times back in high school (and I do love that neighborhood), and I'm a little familiar with the area around the University of Chicago but aside from that, I really have absolutely no idea where I should even be looking for apartments!
So instead of asking, "What neighborhoods should I live in?", I am going to ask which neighborhoods should I avoid? I'll be living alone, and I am young (22), female and Caucasian. I have no vehicle of any sort, so I would rely 100% on public transportation. I would love to live in a really nice neighborhood (though again, I'm not really even sure which neighborhoods are "nice"), but the highest that I'm willing to pay for rent is $800 a month -- mostly because I am on my own and I don't exactly think that my bachelors degree is going to get me any super-high paying jobs, haha. And I would definitely prefer not to live in a teeny one-room studio. Not that I have a lot of things, but something about me eating in the same room that I sleep in rubs me the wrong way.

And just purely for the sake of curiosity: best websites to look for apartment rentals? Websites and companies to avoid like the plague?

Moving like this is something totally new to me, but I know that I'll be a lot happier in Chicago than I am right now. The last thing that I want is to find myself stuck living in a horrible location with a horrible landlord or something else to that effect that makes me totally regret this decision. :)

general - chicago's neighborhoods

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