"Sweetie" is an 8-10 year old dog who was abandoned on the streets of Chicago by her owner and is now at animal control. She is blind but because dogs rely more on smell than sight she would be able to adapt to a home. Sadly she is running out of time at animal control. A foster home or adopter needs to be found in the next 24 hours or she will be put to sleep.
You can see a video of this sweet girl here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rahuc2IlNDI Info on how to foster/adopt is here:
http://www.facebook.com/note.php?created&¬e_id=283402801673010Or you can become friends with Adopt a Pittie from the City to ask them to pull her for you:
https://www.facebook.com/adoptapittie She is timid and it's thought she would do best in a home without other animals or a very calm dog. Please, even if you can't adopt her yourself, spread the word to others who might be able to help this poor sweetheart out and save a life!
Sorry if anyone doesn't like that I posted this here but I was hoping that someone here might be able to help her out.