May 14, 2011 19:22
I never thought this would happen... expecially to me at this time in my relationship. My girlfriend and I have always fought but never to the breaking point. But now I don't know whether I should stay or go. She is overweight and she has been going to the gym. And I am so happy for her because she lost over hundred pounds. But she has a trainer and has a thing for her. Which makes things even worse is that her trainer flirts back with her. It drives me absolutely crazzy. If I was dead, I would be turning in my grave. And she finally admitted that if she wasn't with me that she would be with her. I guess she has more to give her than me. I mean, she helped her get her health on track.. she already has two adorable kids (PS my girl wants to have kids because she absolutley adores them) and plus she is an older women which comes with a house, experience, maturity yada yada yada. I really don't have anything that is a plus to give her except my heart, my love, and my time. But sometimes I wonder if thats is really enough? I am in a deliema where should I work things out, or atleast attempt to. Or should I leave and let things take its course. I have no idea =|