Random question #4

Feb 07, 2011 01:04

What is the most exciting event you have ever witnessed?

Wow, this is a tough one, because I am young && haven't exaclt witnessed a whole lot in my life time {yet}! But one thing that clearly pops up in my mind is something I was invovled in my senior year of high school. Where I lived they were majorly cutting out sophmore and junior year sports because of the economy. WHICH REALLY SUCKS BALLS, BY THE WAY !! Anyways, at least 100 students were standing outside protesting the school and we even took it downtown on another day to protest outside of the public school building. It was crazy. I remember how mad the teachers and principal were that day. I think they stayed outside for two hours trying to convince us to give up and go back inside, but we were't hearing what they were telling us. I wouldn't change that moment for the world, although I wish more people would have protested with us.
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