Good Time for a Vacation From Poker

May 19, 2004 16:51

After crossing a major (for me) bankroll threshold a few days ago, I've had two losing days in a row. And last night was a BRUTAL night. I played multiple $5-10 tables at once, and just about everything that could have gone wrong did. Since I think talking about limit is boring anyway, I won't recount a bunch of hands that hurt me. I will say, however, that I have never flopped two pair that many times and lost with it.

This was the worst single-day loss of the year for me. I handled it pretty well--I don't think I changed the way I was playing, I didn't swear (much), and I didn't berate players at the table for sucking out on me with their two-outers (actually I have never done that). But I did have trouble sleeping. Lots of trouble.

It sucks to lose. I know how completely stupid that sounds, because it's self-evident. It's like saying it sucks to break your leg. But big losses seem to hurt disproportionately; last night didn't even wipe out my winnings for the rest of the week, but it still bothered me enough to keep me up past 4am.

I'm home today, as I had a job interview (cross your fingers for me). So I do have a lot of time to play on my last day before my vacation. For today, I am sticking to tournaments; I'll get back up on the limit horse after I've had a little time to heal.
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