This is my 80th post to this journal.
I recently shilled my blog on RGP, which generally results in a lot of new people stopping by to check it out. So I thought this would be a good time to solicit some feedback. Knowing that people are out there reading (and hopefully enjoying) by poker journal is a big motivating factor to working on it.
There are, of course, other reasons for writing here, one of which is to vent (I believe it’s therapeutic). I’m sure no one likes reading about my bad beats-I pretty much skip over these types of stories when someone else posts them. But occasionally airing out my frustration is a necessity.
Another reason is to improve my play--writing out my theories on poker and the logic behind my decisions keeps me thinking about the game, which is important if I want to continue to progress.
Anyway, whether you are here to check me out for the first time, or you are a regular reader, I'd appreciate it if you would answer a few questions in the comments section. Feel free to do it anonymously.
- What do you enjoy about this site? What kinds of discussion do you find the most interesting/entertaining? What would you like to see more of?
- What don’t you like about this site? What kinds of discussion do you generally skip over?
- Do you like or dislike tournament hand history posts, with commentary interspersed?
- Do you read poker blogs (not just this one) to be entertained, or as a way of getting new perspectives and to improve your game?