Oct 18, 2009 01:11
haha the little girl IS still posting about me. she deleted me (after one last message insult, getting the last word OF COURSE). her bulletin went somewhat like this:
"i used to think that going to jail would be cool, until I experienced it. maybe bitter people like andrea walker are right and i'm hopeless."
i sent one last message to the queen of tmi. since it's already copied, why not?
if you don't give a fuck than quit talking about me.
god i must have really gotten to you. you suck. it's not a contest.
you're more fucked up than everyone else. congrats. lets hope the next alcoholic collision knocks some sense sense into you.
it's not even worth feeling sorry for you. despite how pathetic you are.
you're a dumb, pitiful, little girl who posts sexist shit that makes the rest of us women look bad. you call yourself a real women. fuck that, a REAL woman can stand on her own two feet. a real woman doesn't have to be trashy to get attention and a real women doesn't rely on others to tell her she's beautiful to feel good about themselves.
you're a disgusting, little rodent and an embarrassment. "
I can't stand girls like this. UGH!