Hello, please remove this post if it is unwanted, but I thought I would post this information here for a colleague of mine.
Whom It May Concern:
Hello-I am Dr. Erin Sahlstein, a Communication and Relationships Researcher at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in the Department of Communication Studies. I am currently seeking participants for a study about deployment and communication. I need folks who are married and in the military (i.e., the service member AND/OR their spouse) who have recently experienced a deployment (i.e., within the last 12 months). Participants need to have been married at the time of the deployment and be at least 18 years of age.
If you are interested or know of anyone who might be interested in participating in my research, please have them either follow the link below or they can contact me with their questions (erin.sahlstein@unlv.edu, or 702.895.3640). Participants who complete the survey will be offered the opportunity to submit their name for a drawing. I am offering $100.00 gift certificates to three winners who will be contacted in May.
This research has been approved through the UNLV Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects committee. If you would like to report any questions or concerns to this office, please call the UNLV Office for the Protection of Research Subjects at 702.895.2794.
If you are interested in participating, please go to the link below. It will first take you to a page regarding your rights as a research participant and your potential involvement in this study. Once you read the material and consent to participation, then you will be taken to the survey.
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=0wEumK3V9H14ij80Ew6mjw_3d_3d *If you know of anyone else who may be interested in participating, please forward this email to them. I appreciate any assistance in furthering the project you may offer.
Thank you for your time and more importantly your family's service to our country.
Dr. Erin Sahlstein
University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Department of Communication Studies
CDC building #12 office #1228
4505 Maryland Parkway
Box 454052
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-4052
Office: 702.895.3640
Fax: 702.895.4805