...I feel like hell.
Um. I was going to post my reactions to the Heroes S2 premiere and the Sarah Jane Adventures. But, well. I feel like hell. So quick sumups:
Matt & Mohinder & Molly are LOVE. Eee, they're so cute with the domesticism and the cooking and the happy home... *flail*
I'm liking Clyde, and OMG Luke is just TOO CUTE FOR WORDS. ♥ And Lis is gorgeous as always. Although Maria's mom needs to get some characterization beyond "money-hungry bitch" or a LOT less screentime.
Randall's speech at the xkcd meetup, wherein I am vaguely visible and make a bad crack about small children being crushed by our masses. If you're looking for me, I'm the skinny chick in the gray shirt with the blindingly red jacket over one arm.
And now, because of the aforementioned feeling like hell, I'm goin' to bed. Later, folks.