For 5 fandoms, name:
What are your five favorite things about your fandom?
What are your five least favorite things about your fandom?
Who are your five favorite characters?
Who are your five least favorite characters?
What are your five favorite pairings?
What are your five least favorite pairings?
Which character are you most like?
What is your deep, dark fandom secret?
1. Lost
What are your five favorite things about your fandom? Lots of interesting characters to invest in; unpredictable plots; darkfic; literary comparisons; hot actors.
What are your five least favorite things about your fandom? Jate/Skate fixation; actor bashing; character bashing; unrealistic fluff; cheap plot twists
Who are your five favorite characters? Claire, Michael, Shannon, Desmond, Sun
Who are your five least favorite characters? Ana-Lucia, Jack, Kate, Sarah, Juliet
What are your five favorite pairings? Charlie/Claire, Desmond/Penny, Sawyer/Shannon, Michael/Sun, Michael/Shannon
What are your five least favorite pairings? Jack/Kate, Sawyer/Kate, Jake/Juliet, Sawyer/Ana-Lucia, Desmond/Claire
Which character are you most like? ...tough. Um. Probably a mix of Shannon with the coping tendencies (denial) and Claire with the wanting to be helpful.
What is your deep, dark fandom secret? Do I have deep, dark fandom secrets? Okay, okay. Um, when it comes to Lost slash I'd rather read femslash than boyslash any day. Does that count?
2. Andromeda
What are your five favorite things about your fandom? Pretty cast, fanbase that just won't die, intelligent criticism, the shipping of ships, a fairly diverse shipping base.
What are your five least favorite things about your fandom? Shoddy writing in canon, the nuDrom/classicDrom division (and I say that as someone who is firmly in the classicDrom camp, thankyouverymuch), Dylan Hunt, Kevin Sorbo, Bob Engels.
Who are your five favorite characters? Harper, Ignatius, Beka, Brendan, Tyr
Who are your five least favorite characters? Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan
What are your five favorite pairings? Harper/Beka, Harper/Rommie, Harper/Doyle, Ignatius/Maru, Beka/Maru
What are your five least favorite pairings? Dylan/Rommie, Dylan/Beka, Dylan/Harper, Dyaln/Tyr, Dylan/Doyle
Which character are you most like? Trance, probably--early Trance, with the being cute so you don't pay attention to what she's actually doing
What is your deep, dark fandom secret? As much as I loathe Dylan, nuDrom, and Bob Engels' writing in general, I would rewatch S5 just for the Harper/Doyle cuteness.
3. Doctor Who
What are your five favorite things about your fandom? Forty-plus years of canon and not-quite-canon, awesome one-shot and minor characters, cheesy special effects, strong women, darkfic/time-travel-abuse fic.
What are your five least favorite things about your fandom? Batshit Rosefen, new school/old school division, Companion/Doctor bashing, Companion hierarchy
Who are your five favorite characters? Barbara, Martha, Mickey, Romana, Peri
Who are your five least favorite characters? Rose
What are your five favorite pairings? Barbara/Ian, Martha/Tom, Martha/Jack, Mickey/Jake, Doctor/Susan's grandmother
What are your five least favorite pairings? Doctor/Rose, Mickey/Rose, Doctor/Joan (John/Joan is all good, though), Doctor/Adric, Doctor/Jo
Which character are you most like? I would like to think I'm most like Mickey, in the you-don't-think-I'm-good-enough-but-I-totally-rule sort of way. Sadly, I'm probably more like Peri, totally useless but good at asking questions and confusing people.
What is your deep, dark fandom secret? I think Peri was an awesome companion, even if she was a bit shit at the actual companion business and her accent was unconvincing at best.
4. Black Donnellys
What are your five favorite things about your fandom? hot Irish boys, unreliable narrator, doing crime badly, enthusiastic fanbase, great dialogue
What are your five least favorite things about your fandom? the prevalence of incest fic, not enough attention paid to brothers who aren't Tommy, it was canceled, fairly tiny, not enough crime!fic.
Who are your five favorite characters? Joey, Sean, Joanie, Nadine, Kim
Who are your five least favorite characters? Dokey, Huey, Helen, Jenny, Tommy
What are your five favorite pairings? Sean/Nadine, Sean/Kim, Kevin/Inanimate Objects, Jimmy/Joanie, Tommy/Kate
What are your five least favorite pairings? Tommy/Kevin, Tommy/Jimmy, Tommy/Sean, Jimmy/Kevin, Kevin/Sean
Which character are you most like? Kim, probably. Cute and well-meaning but almost totally uninvolved.
What is your deep, dark fandom secret? I think Joanie/Jenny would be adorable.
5. Newsies
What are your five favorite things about your fandom? Cute boys, upbeat music, slashy subtext that's barely even subtext, enthusiastic fanbase, good quality slash and some good quality het
What are your five least favorite things about your fandom? Mary Sues like a mad thing, Sarah-bashing, unrealistic ideas of 1899-New York, stereotyping, OOCness
Who are your five favorite characters? Spot, Racetrack, Boots, Mush, Kid Blink
Who are your five least favorite characters? Pulitzer, Denton, Medda, Jonathan, Crutchy
What are your five favorite pairings? Spot/Race, Mush/Blink, Jack/David, Dutchy/Specs, Jack/Sarah
What are your five least favorite pairings? Denton/David, Jack/Medda, David/Sarah, Jack/Spot, Blink/Race
Which character are you most like? ...hell if I know. Boots, maybe. Cute, unobtrusive, and tougher than I look.
What is your deep, dark fandom secret? I acknowledge that Sarah is poorly written and unnecessary to the script, but I like her. I honestly do.
...I signed up for the
tindogs_fic ficathon. Does anyone have any idea why I did something that dumb? Srsly, why do I sign up for ficathons when they just end up stressing me out?