"you are only serving at the glory of ash and bone."

Jan 27, 2020 23:24

I envy everyone who got to watch this completely unspoiled, because the Internet would not let me.

One has to admire how Chibnall essentially went "ah, yes, for season eleven we will establish this era of the show without any returning characters or arcs or anything that needs any heavy continuity references to understand, and for season twelve fuck all of that I want my own version of the Cartmel Masterplan the Doctor Who mythos will never be the same." I just. Hats off, sir. My hat is off.

Chibnall has reportedly stated categorically that Ruth!Doctor is not an AU!Doctor. I don't see how she can be a pre-Hartnell Doctor, given that her TARDIS is stuck as a police box. Are we canonizing 6B, is she between Two and Three? That could maybe explain why Thirteen doesn't remember her, if the Time Lords wiped the Doctor's memory before the force-regeneration into Three. Or does she fit somewhere else along the timeline? I WANT ANSWERS, CHIBS, NOT MORE QUESTIONS.

And she's so interesting as an incarnation of the Doctor, too! She's so confident of being the smartest one in the room (of course she is, she's the Doctor) and so dismissive of her later regeneration (of course she is, she's the Doctor), and she LIES about the situation, to HERSELF, even though lying about it just got her companion killed, and . . . I want to know more about her, and what brought her to this point in her life. I WANT ANSWERS, CHIBS. (I also just want, like, all the fic about chameleon-circuit-ed Ruth Clayton, cuz she was a doll, aww.)

And then there's JACK and the LONE CYBERMAN and RYAN IS HIS FAVORITE and HE CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHICH COMPANION IS THE DOCTOR (none of them, jack) and HE KISSES GRAHAM and everything about that was wonderful. He's so delighted to find out the Doctor's a woman now, it's lovely.

Oh, and the Doctor is actively searching for the Master. Which we had reason to believe, but it's nice to have confirmation.

I want to rewatch it RIGHT NOW, but I have to work in the morning because life is UNFAIR.

fandom, capslock abuse, they are writing it for me!!, zomg i love this show, doctor who

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