Different feelings about the multiple plotlines in this episode:
I do continue to feel like somehow GMW gives each of its individual plotlines less time per episode than BMW did, despite the fact that they have the same amount of time and they don't pack in more plotlines. IDK. It's weird.
That said:
- Maya & Riley was the best part of this episode, followed closely by Shawn & Cory. The paint fight was glorious, and Shawn attempting to beat up Cory for "destroying my life" was a perfect Shawn & Cory moment. (As was 'the best thing that ever happened to me.' 'except for mom.' 'i know my life.')
- But, no, yeah, I am shallowly delighted that Maya will be returning to her thrift-shop-rocker-chic wardrobe because I vastly prefer it to her preppy post-makeover wardrobe. I know it's shallow of me but I don't care.
- Seriously, the paint fight. And their art teacher (what's his name?) has the perfect reaction to it. See post header.
- On the other hand, Lucas. The only part of that bit I liked was Zay. Zay is pretty much flawless. ("I've said too much.") I'm just so sick of the stupid triangle. At this point I don't want Lucas to end up with either of the girls. Please let's move on.
- I'm not thrilled about the Shawn/Katy in this episode, either. I mean, I like Shawn/Katy. But given that apparently they've gone from "let's go on a first date" to "let's get married" with zero onscreen interaction in between makes it feel cheap and unearned. Which is largely a problem based on Rider not wanting to appear on the show too often, I guess, but that doesn't change how fast and lazy it feels.
- And I'm very, very not thrilled with "I loved Angela because I thought I was supposed to". Which is the laziest damn retcon of their relationship. You know, it's okay to move on from a relationship you had as a teenager and young adult without turning it into "I never actually loved her". I don't know how anyone could watch Shawn and Angela in Boy Meets World and think their relationship was 100% about wanting what Cory and Topanga had. That desire was certainly there and it sometimes influenced how they dealt with each other, but it was clearly not the root of their relationship.
- Despite my ranting in this post I actually did enjoy this episode quite a lot. Mostly because of the two BFF pairs and their interactions with each other, which were uniformly great. "I'm Feeny! You're Feeny's dad. You're Captain Feeny!"