Season 2!
* Visually, season 2 is dramatically different from season 1. New lighting designer, maybe? I notice this every time I rewatch anything from season 1 and anything from season 2 close together, but it really sticks out when you go very quickly from Exodus to Man Of Science Man Of Faith; scenes that are a direct continuation of each other look completely different.
* Season one had the raft launch with all the hugging and tearful smiles; season two has the reunion at the end of Collision and the feast at the end of Everybody Hates Hugo. These scenes are my crack. Favorites forever.
* I am generally either indifferent to Kate or annoyed by her (annoyance mostly comes with her flashbacks, to be fair), but her reaction to the Apollo Bar in Adrift is one of my favorite small moments in the show. Yes, Kate, I feel you on that.
* Speaking of Adrift, every time I watch it I feel like it's super obvious that it was supposed to be a Sawyer-centric episode instead of Michael-centric. Sawyer has all these Very Meaningful But Somewhat Cryptic lines and then he stares off into the middle distance and then we get a Michael flashback.
* I think I blocked out What Kate Did completely, jfc. That is a ridiculous episode. Maybe not as bad as the One With Jack's Tattoos, which I'm dreading getting around to, but it's still pretty terrible.
* Taller Ghost Walt is still delightfully creepy, well done.
* I really like the way they seed Claire's dissatisfaction with Charlie's self-appointed role as Aaron's father figure. The heroin is the catalyst for their falling out, but the friction is building up well before that point.
* To this day I'm surprised that the frog in One Of Them wasn't hallucinogenic or poisonous. Sawyer's face when he's holding the thing looks like someone who's got poison seeping into their skin and isn't aware of how it's affecting them! Plus, you know, jungle frogs, they're rarely very safe to hold. But apparently it was just a frog.
* The whole Henry Gale thing is so well done, wow. Even knowing the resolution it still works brilliantly. There's a real ambiguity and disturbing vibe to all his scenes prior to the reveal (what if he really is a random stranded guy? what if Sayid is torturing him for no reason) and then the reveal comes and ... yeah, WOW.
* I was hoping this rewatch would soften me up towards Ana-Lucia. It did not. Still dislike her. In fact, in general the tailies are better in concept than they are in execution. Which is probably why Bernard is the only one to survive past the beginning of season 3.
* But they're worth it for Rose/Bernard and Libby/Hurley.
* Speaking of which, Desmond is in a total of two episodes in season two (well, three if you count the seperate parts of the finale), but he's still the best thing season two introduced to the story. Ben is a close second! But Desmond.
* The other best thing about season 2 is Charlie and Claire finally kissing. It feels earned, okay. They went through the bad parts to get there.
* I will never not find Sawyer deciding "caught in a net" is a euphemism for sex -- and using it! -- to be hilarious.
* I frigging love the season 2 finale cliffhanger. Because the major strands get resolved -- okay, there's the question of what's going to happen to the love triangle of doom now that they're in the Others' hands, but that's obviously going to be an ongoing story; they're not in immediate danger -- and then all of a sudden THE ARCTIC and SCIENTISTS and PENNY WIDMORE. It's not a shocking swerve in events you thought you understood a la "we're gonna have to take the boy" or "we have to go back", but it's SO UNEXPECTED and SO GREAT.
Season three starts on Monday, because I've got stuff going on this weekend.