Sep 09, 2013 19:39
I kinda suck at social media lately, and I'm sorry. :/ I think I've officially failed at my New Year's resolution to post here more often, even absolving myself of that whole land-of-no-Internet period. I HAVE TO GET BETTER AT THIS.
Things that are going on:
- Today I am relistening to old episodes of Animorphs: The Radio Drama (Uncensored!) because there are no new episodes because I feel like it. It's been a while. I'd almost forgotten how much I love these guys. I now kind of want to listen to them read one of the books while I follow along and annotate an e-book copy with their comments, but on the other hand that sounds like a lot of work for someone as lazy as me.
- Yuletide nominations start soon, and I am, indeed, planning to participate in Yuletide for the second time and nominations for the first time; SUPER EXCITING. (I may also have failed my write-more-fic resolution for the year. I don't remember what the exact wording of it was. But it hasn't exactly been a banner year for productivity.)
- It's almost time for first-run TV shows to come back! According to the app I depend on to tell me these things, Sleepy Hollow premieres in a week, Castle comes back in two weeks, Elementary comes back three days later, Once Upon A Time returns three days after that, and then a bit later Once Upon A Time In Wonderland and Almost Human premiere. So. That should give me stuff to post about. (Fingers crossed for greatness. Three new shows is a lot for me to try picking up at once; hopefully at least one hooks me, although it would be super awesome if they all do.) (Other new shows I am vaguely planning to try: Star-Crossed on the CW, because Robert Hewitt Wolfe on staff, and Girl Meets Boy, because Boy Meets World sequel, but I don't know when either one of them premieres). I am also super excited about spoilers I've seen for Elementary and Once Upon A Time; haven't seen spoilers for Castle, but fingers crossed there, too.
- It's still almost two months until NaNoWriMo but I'm getting nervous about it already. I have the bare bones of an idea and slightly more development on the two main characters; I keep poking at it and mostly coming up with things that aren't going to be useful (if they ever are) until I'm well into Plot.
- I am super behind on the marathoning-old-shows-that-are-new-to-me project (specifically HIMYM at the moment); for various personal reasons I kind of just lost momentum and haven't gotten back to it. I need to do that. That was a New Year's resolution, too. I need to accomplish at least a few of these things.
- In personal news, I'm still unemployed but have resumed trying to learn how to drive. So. Maybe that will be helpful.
- I apologize for the length of this post.
chica is a loser,
list of unrelated things,
not tagging every show in this post,
ilu ardu,
i has an offline life,
chica is boring,