To me, she was The Woman [...] she eclipsed and predominated the whole of her sex.
So, Irene Adler is basically the element of Holmes canon that I am least picky about in adaptations (and I am not picky about Sherlock Holmes adaptations in general). Most either ignore her or redefine her into the morally-ambiguous love interest, so being picky would rule out a lot of otherwise great adaptations.
Elementary has, of course, redefined Adler as Holmes' great love. On the other hand, their Adler is American (thank you, Elementary), and, as I quoted, she's The Woman.
So well done there. ♥
(Elementary also chose to describe Moriarty as "an assassin pimp", so EVEN MORE POINTS.)
Third runner up for the Best Thing About This Episode: how offended Holmes was to admit that Moriarty might be right about Leah Sutter's killer.
There's also something I've been noticing for a while but that really seemed to come into focus with this episode; Holmes and Watson never just have a conversation, they're always doing something else at the same time. She's making a sandwich, he's brushing his teeth. (Or she's trying to sleep. Over and over again.) I kind of adore that.
Gregson's concern for Watson's safety seemed to come out of nowhere; I'm glad it wasn't made as big a deal of as the episode summary suggested, but still kinda weird. Woman's been working with your department for a while now, Captain, maybe she knows what she's gotten herself into.
As for Moriarty ... I hope he stays a voice on the phone, he's so much creepier that way. A spider with an infinite web, indeed. And an expert emotional manipulator; setting up that particular case in exchange for answers about Irene? He knew what he was doing.
And, damn, that ending. Okay, reasonably spoiled; when Holmes mentioned the lack of a body in Irene's case everyone assumed she was still alive, and when Natalie Dormer was cast everyone assumed that confirmed it; it wasn't really a surprise. But Jonny Lee Miller's face! The way he just completely fell apart! Everyone in the audience may have been ready for it, but Sherlock Holmes was not. D:
My CBS affiliate neglected to air a promo for next week's episode. D: D: