Oh my God if you haven't yet checked out
today's XKCD, do it now. I've been playing with it off and on all day and I think I still haven't seen the whole thing. Wow. Randall Munroe, dude, you have my admiration and bewilderment. (My favorite part is either the pirate ship or the dude selling lemonade.)
Unrelated, have a meme stolen from
Pick a trope from this list and provide a fandom/pairing and I'll tell you something about the story I'd write for that combination (i.e. write a snippet from the story or write not!fic or tell you the title and summary for the story I would write)
1. genderswap
2. bodyswap
3. drunk!fic (ie: somebody is intoxicated)
4. cooperate or die
5. pretending to be married
6. secretly a virgin(because who cares) secretly a parent
7. amnesia
8. daemons
9. forced to share a bed
10. matriarchy
11. historical AU
12. accidental-baby-acquisition
13. apocalypse fic
14. telepathy
15. Star Trek AU
I promise to do my best with whatever you give me, but you'll get a better outcome if you ask for something I'm at least passingly familiar with ...