“Don’t worry about the future. The future’s really…safe….really, really safe.”

Aug 28, 2012 22:55

So I've been pretty terrible about updating my LJ. I'm sorry. I blame Camp NaNo. (Also, deciding to do three incarnations of NaNoWriMo in one year was ... not the smartest decision I ever made.) On the plus side, I hit 50K on Better Than It Sounds tonight, so maybe I'll be able to pay more attention to my LJ now!

(Better Than It Sounds, despite having hit 50K, has not reached the end. I don't actually feel that bad about it this time because I'm not sure the BTIS 'verse has a definite ending point.)

Anyway, other things that are going on:

* It looks like SyFy is picking up Continuum for an early 2013 airing. Woo! So Americans who haven't seen it yet you will have no more excuses I expect you to watch the awesome time-travelling-cop show. Lexa Doig plays a terrorist, if you need encouragement.

* In continued Andromeda alumnae news, Lisa Ryder is going to guest star on Alphas, hell yeah! So excited. I continue to love Alphas more and more with each episode. (And continue to wish they could get Summer Glau on as a regular that would be awesome.)

* Probably everybody already knows about this, but just in case: BBC is posting "Pond Life" minisodes online as a teaser leading into Asylum Of The Daleks (only four days away omg omg omg) and they're adorable. I will pretty much never get over Eleven laying down some backing vocals. That is a thing that exists in the world.

* No link for this one, but Once Upon A Time promos have started airing! So excited for [casting/character spoilers]Emilie as a regular + Mulan, Aurora, Captain Hook, and ... um, everybody they've announced, really, but those are the three that have me REALLY REALLY EXCITED. Although Emilie as a series regular beats it all. EMILIE AS A SERIES REGULAR.

* I swear there was other stuff I wanted to talk about but I don't remember what any of it was. :/

once upon a time, alphas, better than it sounds, andromeda, writing, fandom, chica fails, nanowrimo, continuum, doctor who

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