First the depressing one:
Caroline John has passed away, and I don't know what to say. I'm only familiar with her Doctor Who work, but Liz Shaw was one of the greatest companions, due largely to Caroline's skill. The Whoniverse is that much smaller now, and it's a terrible loss.
Less depressing and totally unrelated:
♦ I've reached 50K on my Camp NaNo, which on the one hand is nifty because I've reached my wordcount goal nine days earlier, but on the other hand this story is not quite half finished. I think I'm going to take the weekend off from this project (see next item) and then decide whether to keep pressing through on it now or to use the second half as my August Camp NaNo project.
♦ I will be spending this weekend with teh Niki and her boy, which is long overdue; haven't seen her in waaaaaaaay too long. There's a Big Damn Shindig in Norfolk on Saturday, so we'll be hitting that up. Shiny.
♦ I don't have anything else to talk about.