Jul 20, 2011 19:31
Something I learned over the past two days: everyone has exactly the same sense of humor when confronted with someone who has lost their voice. "What was that? Speak up, I couldn't hear you." "Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?" "You know, you've been really quiet today." "If you don't want me to do [thing that clearly should not be done] then speak up now!"
There was a lot of rude gesturing from me over the past two days. And occasional bouts of "I'm sick of trying to make myself understood, I will now mouth meaningless words while gesturing randomly and pretend that I'm actually saying something."
But! I seem to have my voice back now. I've stayed inside and not talked to people today in hopes of not blowing it out again since I have to be back at work tomorrow, but with luck it will stay back and I won't have to deal with this anymore.
While I was staying inside and not talking today, I watched the second episode of Alphas. Still enjoying it! Warming up to Gary. Rachel's still my favorite. Intrigued by the further hints of a dark past for Nina. This might be a new fandom for me. Anyone else at all watching it?
doesn't play well with others