i like my hair/really, it is pleasant to the touch

Mar 15, 2011 20:10

A list of unrelated awesome things:

Being Human has been picked up for a fourth series! I don't know what's going to happen but I am so excited I can't even you guys. I can't even. Also, curse you Peter Jackson and your casting decisions. CURSE YOU.

♦ I have a new mouse! This is probably not exciting to other people, but my old mouse was driving me crazy; it would double-click when I wanted to single-click, or sometimes it wouldn't single-click at all, and I gave up successfully drag-and-dropping some time ago because it just wouldn't. But my new mouse does all that on the first try and it's so nice to have a working mouse again! Also it is wireless. I've never had a wireless mouse before. It's nifty.

♦ Today's mail brought me a shipment of two Sandman volumes (specifically, A Game Of You and Fables And Reflections). OMG YAY. My dead-tree Sandman collection is coming along nicely. ;) Amazon gift cards were the best invention ever.

♦ Speaking of Sandman (I know, I said it was a list of unrelated things), BUT ANYWAY, Sandman crossovers started eating my brain awhile ago, and in my various quests to actually write one of them I have stumbled upon a Sandman/Andromeda crossover that actually seems to be working. OMG YAY. I miss finishing fic. ...of course, now that I've said that, I won't be able to finish it. Or I'll finish it and discover it sucks and vow never to let anyone else see it. But right now I'm quite liking it.

Animorphs: The Radio Drama (Uncensored!) has gotten their site back up (and redesigned!) and added a couple old shows. Old to them, new to me, I mean. ILU, ARDU guys! You make me smile. :D

♦ Miss nikiness has returned to LiveJournal fandom! Admittedly it's Supernatural fandom which I am not in, but I'm just bouncy and glad that she's returning to LJ at all. YAY. :D

♦ I'm looking in to renting a local hotel room for a night. If I can manage it, that would be ~24 hours I could have totally to myself and omg it would be so welcome. The problem is finances, as the problem so frequently is, but I'm hopeful that I'll be able to manage it.

Kagerou, which everyone should be reading if they are not already, has just started a new plot arc that looks like it's going to be, frankly, AMAZING. And game-changing. And awesome.

♦ I switched the e-mail associated with this account to my GMail address, so now I'm getting my LJ notifs again. I hate not getting notifications in a timely manner.

What little, probably-insignificant-to-most-everyone-else stuff going on in your life do you think is awesome? SHARE THE AWESOME.

list of unrelated things, ilu ardu, andromeda, i has an offline life, fandom, webcomics, teh niki, being human, awesome things, fic, chica is weird, sandman

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