Discussion on ExIsle about an imagined Andromeda!reboot. Some of the ideas left me "...", some left me "o.0", and some are "YAY". (Enver Gjokaj as Harper? YES PLS.) (I still LU, GMW, promise.) (Although the later idea of gender-flipping Harper and Rommie and letting Enver play all of Andromeda's incarnations is fabulous. Also, Gina Torres as a
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ALTHOUGH, I have always found gender flipping an interesting concept...since I always shipped Harper/Trance, I'd be interested in seeing a genderflip there or hell, same sex it, just to spice it up. *shifty eyes*
And agreeing with what was said at exisle, give the show a REAL budget this time and don't get all holier than thou and have the "Kevin Sorbo" take over...that ruined the show.
Gah....This gives me such ideas!
Also, HELLS YES to the budget and the no-actors-as-execs caveat, those should be REQUIRED.
The more I think about it, the more the idea of genderflipping the entire crew appeals to me. Seriously, so much potential there. How it would change Beka and Dylan's competing for command, Tyr's striving to prove genetically perfect to gain a mate, Harper's experience on Earth, Rommie's military career and exploration of humanity...SO MANY IDEAS. OMG.
^^Oh man....thinking what would happen to a female Harper on earth really makes me cringe. But I'd love the idea of a female Harper....no clue who would play her.....being with a male Trance...told you, I'm a shipper. And could you imagine a female Harper making the avatar for male Andromeda...although the name would have to change...Andromeda's a chick...maybe Apollo or something else greeky. I seriously would KILL to see Gina Torres as the female Tyr...that just screams of awesome, especially with all the sexual tension between her and Male!Beka...whose name would also have to change. SO MANY NAME ( ... )
Figuring out appropriate names may be the hardest part of this! ...Particularly for Andromeda. Because it has to be both a good name-for-a-person (and preferably one nickname-able so the humanoid avatar can be called something different from the main AI) and also a good name-for-a-warship.
...although Trance and Rev's names could stay the same, so that's something! (If we got far enough, so could Doyle's, for that matter.)
But I agree that Trance, Doyle and Rev's names can stay....Harper can still be Harper...you'd just have to give him a feminine irish first name....Dylan can be Dylan still....Tyr...well, hell, you could just add an "a" and make it sound feminine....Beka's the tough cookie...maybe Beckett? And that's only if you're trying to keep the names similar to the original source material.
I like this genderbender idea...even if the only people I can cast in my head are Harper and Tyr. Lol
I've become set on RHW's suggestion of Freya for female!Tyr, since that was the name of the original concept character that then got split into Tyr and Beka. And then Freya Anasazi could have a short-lived marriage to Tyr of the Orca Pride!
^^Ooooo, see I didn't know that...Okay...I like Freya...especially if it's Gina Torres! Lol!
As for Harper...Siobhan, maybe, but then you'd have to rename her cousin. Sinead? I'm attached to the idea of it being non-Anglicized, which also carries the implication "I go by my last name because SPACERS CAN'T PRONOUNCE MY FIRST NAME", which has always been one of my justifications for Harper anyway.
^^I always thought that too...that he went by Harper because no one could pronounce "Seamus"....and I for the life of me couldn't figure out how to pronounce Siobhan! So I'd call them Harper too. Lol!
male!Beka I've been calling Ben in my head, IDK why though.^^Ben works for me...Benjamin Valentine....Ben...I like it...especially with the idea of Female!Harper calling ( ... )
One thing that's occurred to me is that a male spaceship captain rescuing a female refugee and giving her a job does have vastly different implications and power dynamics from the original setup -- the "dump you back on that trashheap" scene would be even darker this way, for example. And would they even be able to get away with the cuddling and getting in each other's personal space and so on? I want male!Beka and female!Harper to be BFFs, but I feel like their dynamic would be heavily different. (And I feel like more random people would assume they were sleeping together. And male!Beka would be appalled that anyone would believe he would take advantage like that, while female!Harper quite cheerfully plays up the misconception.)^^You know...I kinda thing they could still be super close and could still "cuddle." I see them kinda like Mal and Kaylee on Firefly.....Mal loved Kaylee like his sister and they got all up in each other's personal space while both would go down trying to protect the ( ... )
It's just the question of whether or not male!Rommie would call her out on it. "Did you wear gloves", indeed. Which comes down entirely to the characterization of male!Rommie, which I have not settled on at all.
possibly a little more hardened because from what I saw, Niets loved their children more than themselves so Freya would probably hate having to leave her son behind, but she must do it to protect him and his precious DNA.So completely agreed. And no one would understand why she's come back harder, until the truth about Tam comes out and then there'd be...well, a lot of shock, honestly ( ... )
Similarly, I haven't seen Allison Scagliotti in anything, but she looks like she's got about the right look for female!Harper. Put her in a lot of brightly-patterned t-shirts and cargo pants and it's dead-on.
I am, however, really attached to Enver!Andromeda, largely because I can picture him really, really selling a three-way conversation between himself. Can't you just picture that, how clearly he would delineate between mainframe!AI, hologram!AI, and android!AI? ...well, I can. *fangirls Enver some more*
That shot of Allison in Harper!goggles is so fabulous I can't even. :D :D :D
Well, then, I guess Allison is your Harper. Lol!
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