Dates taken from LVI for Lost vids, and YouTube for Doctor Who.
She's Everything - Emilie de Ravin
Backgammon - Lost
Hey Babe - Lost
Sun and Rain - Lost
You Were Mine - Lost
When I Love You - Doctor Who
One Week - Lost
Drunken Lullabies - Doctor Who
Slowdown - Doctor Who
Bless The Broken Road - Doctor Who
What She's Doing Now - Lost
Libby - Lost
All The Best Lostaways Have Daddy Issues - Lost
Be Prepared - Lost
The Thunder Rolls - Lost
Fate - Lost/Roswell
Bring It On Home - Doctor Who
Psych You Out - Lost
Out of the Woods - Lost
Lucky For You - Lost
My favorite video this year (of my own):
Hmm. 'You Were Mine'. I'm still just thrilled that I managed to make Michael/Shannon work at all. And it worked well! Really well! I was surprised. I still adore it. 'Slowdown' and 'The Thunder Rolls' are close runners-up, though.
My least favorite:
'Lucky For You'. It was a really great concept that, unfortunately, didn't come out like I wanted it to. It was frustrating to work on and slow and…yeah.
Most successful video:
According to my YouTube stats, it's without a doubt "When I Love You": 5,377 views, 69 ratings, 25 comments, favorited 108 times. I'm a little staggered. Obviously, not enough people have been viding about the awesome OT3 love of the Doctor, Jack, and Rose.
Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
'Libby', probably. I think the irony in the song went over a lot of heads, because the few comments I got on it were mostly that I should have chosen a less upbeat rock-ish song for a eulogy vid. I still think it was a good vid and a good concept and more people should do eulogy vids to badass Irish punk.
Most fun video to make:
I think 'Psych You Out'. It was just a fun little side project that I didn't have to stress over, and it all sort of fell together very nicely.
Hardest video to make:
'The Thunder Rolls'. It was seriously challenging, and frustrating at times (especially trying to time those final shots of Shannon with the gun). And I kept coming up with new ideas, and then having to change everything I'd done so far. In the beginning, the entire vid was going to be rather straightforward and in color, and then all of a sudden I realized it looked better in black and white, so the whole thing was going to be black and white. And then it abruptly occurred to me to use the black and white to emphasize the illicit love affair, so suddenly every Kate/Sayid scene was in color and everything else was in black and white. And then as I was finishing it up I started thinking about the power shift in the last verse, and that's why in the final moments Shannon is in color and Kate and Sayid are in black and white; she's taken the power away from them.
I also had to scrap one of my original ideas, which was to have the video end in blackout with the sound of a gunshot, simply because I couldn't manage to clip a gunshot sound that sounded good. I'm still sad about that.
'Lucky For You' was very close behind in terms of frustration, though.
The things I've learnt this year...
I need to upgrade my laptop's virtual memory. I also need a better program than WMM; I've actually managed to obtain Adobe Premiere Pro, but I can't figure out how to use it. Once I upgrade my memory I'm gonna sit down and figure the damn thing out, and then maybe I'll be able to make more awesome vids?
Things to work on in 2007
I need a better sense of pace. And to stop snagging ideas just because they're cracktastic, and to stop dropping ideas just because a more cracktastic one comes along.
Vid projects I definitely want to get finished this year:
All the ones currently sitting unfinished on my hard drive. Um, mostly, I really want to do a Lost femslash vid, and I need to finish my Michael AU. I want to finish my Ace vid to "Bad Reputation", and an all-Doctors most-Companions retrospective. I'm dying to do another crossover, because they're fun. Mmm…I need to expand into Heroes and Torchwood viding, probably SJA too. And sometime this year, I'm going to do at least one vid to a John Barrowman song. (It's not set yet, but currently contemplating: Charlie/Claire to "Anything Goes", Michael/Ana-Lucia (yes, shut up) to "Night and Day", Hiro/Charlie to "Ev'rytime We Say Goodbye", Jack/Ianto/Tosh to "Easy to Love" only it's such a cliché to do Jack vids to John Barrowman songs.)
Also, I really want to do a Lost vid to "King of New York" from Newsies, but that's mostly just so I can have a summary that says, "Your plane crashes, you get your picture in the paper. Your picture's in the paper, you're famous. You're famous, you get anything you want. And that's what's so great about the Island!" so it probably won't actually happen.