Topher is always a High Point. I love that when he thinks Boyd is the spy his impulse is to give Boyd a chance to escape.
Paul going crazy obsessive detective at "Mellie" was cute, too. And finally payoff for November-as-Mellie with Paul finding out. He actually handled it a lot better than I expected.
The Roger/Catherine stuff was...a bit bizarre. o.0 I mean I appreciate their making DeWitt a bit more human, but it just felt a bit...jarring. Was there any foreshadowing that she was taking advantage of the Dollhouse in this way? It doesn't exactly jive with me.
The reveal was nicely done. I like Ivy. A lot. She's pleasantly sarcastic and resentful. DeWitt's kinda scary.
And now Boyd's head of security and Echo has a new handler? Let's see how that plays out.
Also, great dialogue this episode.
"Did I just lose an argument to a doll?"
"I take it you haven't gotten your badge back."
"I discovered the spy! The spy was operating under my nose!"
"Which means either you're dangerously incompetent or trying to throw us off the trail."
"I'm sorry for ever doubting your programming skills."
"I don't want to brag, but...okay, I want to brag."
"My talents go beyond asking whether he wants chocolate chip or oatmeal. Which I do very well, by the way."
"We're pimps and killers, but in a philanthropic way."
"Is her body language telling you she's innocent?"
"No, her language language is telling you she's innocent!"
"I'm. Not. Broken."
"The NSA will come looking for me."
"And when they do, you'll tell them everything's fine, and then we'll put you back in your box."
It's interesting how freely the handlers discuss the assignments in front of the Actives. I'm specifically thinking of the bit where Boyd and Victor's handler (what's her name?) discuss Victor being rented out to lonelyhearts for the tenth time. Victor and Echo are standing right there, even taking part in the conversation, and don't seem to think the topic is weird at all. Are they programmed to just take it in stride? How would that even work? I don't know, but it's interesting.
Also, I really want to see the male Dolls being rented out on more blatantly exploitive missions. When they first mentioned lonelyhearts a few episodes ago, I assumed that was along the lines of what I was thinking of, but then we actually see it in this episode and it seems to mostly consist of Victor being programmed to wear a suit nicely and be dashing and charming and romantic. It's about sex, but it's also about a lot of other things, right? We see the female Dolls out on missions wearing clothes that are barely there and clearly being All About The Sex, I'm just saying, equal opportunity exploitation. :/
The Attic is maybe the newest freaky sci-fi threat of the ages. Really creepy.
...I don't know. *shrug*