Chuck's dad is a dick. :( I'm kind of disappointed in the show, actually, because it seems like a really easy out to take. Let's make Charles Charles into an unsympathetic control freak who bullies the Pie Maker and tries to emotionally blackmail his daughter and threatens to expose The Secret so that no one will feel bad when we redead him later! Not a spoiler, I'm just assuming.
On the other hand, making him out to be as awesome as Chuck remembers him being would also be an easy out. So...I don't know. Whatever, I just don't like the guy, okay?
Although his reading out Ned's rule about calling "coming" and "going" was actually pretty funny, because it never sounded quite as absurd until now.
Also, this episode was really heavy on the Emerson/Olive shippiness, wasn't it? I wasn't imagining that, was I? They were being really shippy.
And: return of the plastic wrap kisses! That was cute. As was the varsity football player/flirty head cheerleader discussion. ♥
Fandom Wank is featuring
wank about a recent xkcd strip. By which I mean they are mostly featuring complaints from people who don't understand the difference between nice guys and Nice GuysTM. Or who think Randall Munroe is somehow advocating the behavior of Nice GuysTM. Or who think Randall Munroe doubting the existence of genuine nice guys and relationships that grow out of friendships naturally. Or who, for some reason, think Randall Munroe is a Nice GuyTM himself. *flail*