From...everybody, pretty much:
Put your MP3 player/playlist on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty songs. Post the poem that results. The first line of the twenty-first is the title.
When You Were Young
Someday I'm gonna be famous
If you live around here
Break of day, the dawn is here
My eyes are fully open to my awful situation
I can't feel nothin' at all
Hey, Stephen, I know looks can be deceivin'
In passing glances
Whenever I see someone less fortunate than I
Each night you show up about a quarter to two
This step is one again our first
I solve my problems and I see the light
Hey ho, let's go
She's not a girl who misses much
A young cowboy named Billy Joe grew restless on the farm
How glad the many millions of Annabelles and Lillians
Let me set you straight
How the world can change
Little shop
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
They came from near, they came from far
For each of your fandoms, list the 5 things in that fandom you're most grateful for (not counting the fen!)
Uh. Let's do a selection of main fandoms, here, 'cause if I do all of them that will just kill the Internet.
Fandom: Doctor Who
Favorite Ship: Barbara/Ian
Things I'm most grateful for:
1. Classic Who, particularly William Hartnell
2. the blessed saint Martha Jones, the woman who walked the world
3. circular temporal logic, both in canon and fic
4. an incredibly vast universe of choose-your-own-canon
5. Barbara Wright, whose awesomeness continues to be an inspiration some forty-odd years later
Fandom: LOST
Favorite Ship: Charlie/Claire, Desmond/Penny
Things I'm most grateful for:
1. sheer unadulterated crack
2. an impossibly pretty cast. Some with impossibly pretty accents.
3. a wide range of characters to pick and choose favorites from
4. crazy circular time travel stuff that makes no sense but is nonetheless very cool
5. plenty of crossover potential, even sheer unadulterated crack crossovers
Fandom: Andromeda
Favorite Ship: Harper/Beka
Things I'm most grateful for:
1. an active writing staff who were happy to communicate with the fanbase
2. an actually somewhat consistent time travel model
3. real science in the science fiction
4. Seamus Harper. Boston. Surfing. Two paperclips and a kiss. 'Nuff said.
5. Tough kickass and incredibly likable female main characters
Fandom: Psych
Favorite Ship: Gus/Juliet, Henry/Karen
Things I'm most grateful for:
1. pineapples.
2. Gus's no-nonsense attitude, up until the moment when he completely geeks out
3. complicated interpersonal relationships
4. Karen Vick
5. the fact that, pretty much all the main characters are in some way complete dorks
Fandom: Pushing Daisies
Favorite Ship: Olive/Alfredo
Things I'm most grateful for:
1. impromptu musical numbers
2. "the facts were these"
3. gorgeous cinematography
4. clever, convoluted, completely cracktastic writing
5. genuine romance
Fandom: Chess
Favorite Ship: Freddie/Florence/Anatoly
Things I'm most grateful for:
1. complete and utter crack
2. choose-your-own-canon
3. a small but very gleeful and lulzy fanbase
4. the Arbiter
5. incredibly realistic view of love ("You And I" is just *heartbreaking*)
Fandom: RENT
Favorite Ship: Roger/Collins
Things I'm most grateful for:
1. the joy of living
2. "friendship is thicker than blood"
3. a series of awesome casts. and less-than-awesome casts. and lulzy casts.
4. crack AU canon -- NYTW, specifically. We will not speak of that other one.
5. a study of all kinds of romantic and platonic relationships, and how complicated they inevitably are
And, also, because I can never pack too much into one post (?):
'Tis the season to be jolly, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la!
Aww, come on. December starts tomorrow.