haha! olsen sighting!

Jan 12, 2007 17:22

Today I saw an Olsen twin. I have no idea which one but there she was in all her 80 lb. glory looking anxious and walking really fast. Then not one hour later I saw that really famous drag queen...what is her name??? She has those enormous cartoon lips and boobs and platinum blonde hair, and was wearing this insane Rusian fur hat. Grr...this is going to bug me!

what else is new? Well the latest dillemna is that I'm dating two boys...well, men I should say since they are both in their 30s. Neither of them know about each other and I am getting to the point I need to tell them but I'm such a wuss. I don't see Mark (the Brit) as often because he's usually jetting off somewhere or working a zillion hrs. per week so things have progressed a little faster with Jeff, the filmmaker because he's more available to hang. Overnights are becoming more frequent and I'm getting into dangerous real relationship territory. I do think he's slightly too old for me (I'm 10 years his junior) but (and I don't mean to go too TMI) the sex is rrrreeeeaaalllyyy goood. Reeeaaallly reeealllyyy good. And he's hot for an old guy...haha! But I can't compare with mark because i haven't quite gotten that close with him yet. Can't I have BOTH of them? Since when did polygamy get such a bad wrap anyways? I call shennanigans! God this city is such a meat market. I don't know if I can ever be monogomous again. I want to sample all the goods before I'm an old fattie!
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