(no subject)

Jun 20, 2005 17:57

Well today was my first day at a new job. I was a bit nervous, as anyone is on a first day, but quickly felt at home. I really love the women I work with. Im the youngest one there, and I like it that way. Working with older women generally works better because there is less bullshit and gossip, at least in most cases.
So Adrian is back on Sunday! Im totally gonna RAPE HIM when he gets home. Actually I dont know if we will make it past the bus station, where Im picking him up, to be honest.
So once he is home, we have a busy week ahead of us planned. Either Monday or Tuesday we are gonna try to sell his Nissan 240 so he can get his Saab fixed, then Ill have to drive home around to get the parts so he can fix his Saab. Ahh boys who can fix cars are sexy. Mmmm. Its also sexy knowing that when my car starts being a bitch, all I have to pay for is parts.
Tonight will be my fourth night in a row of drinking. This is kind of sad, actually. However, to give myself some credit, its totally not my fault! people just like drinking, and I happen to have nothing better to do than drink with them. lol.
Oh and just for clarification...
There are some of you on my friends list who dont really know me on a personal level. Thats fine, I like reading your journal entries. But know this. Im not going to sugar coat things, or keep an oppinion to myself. I dont generally say something if I think it is going to come off as mean, but there will be times when I say something in a comment or in a journal entry, that you dont agree with. You can either take what I say with a grain of salt and realise that maybe there are other ways of viewing a situation, or you can throw a bitch fit, take me off your friends list, and then write a one-sided public post about what a bitch I am. I dont care, in the end, I have lots of friends, and its no skin off my back. Obviously I would rather the first, but its totally up to you. Or you can just realise you dont like opposing views and take me off now.
That sounds a bit bitchier than I meant it to, but whatever.
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