Seeing the comments from you guys in my email this morning just gave me the hugest smile on my face. Over the past few months I've come to realize how much I love writing and when I'm able to make someone's day with a piece I've written, I am so happy.
So I'm going to ask you guys for a favor, but in a roundabout way because this will undoubtably influence future writing. Not merely to boost my ego, because I am in the mood where I just want to write all the things that you guys like best ---
What do you like about my writing? Is there a pairing you adore, a genre you can't get enough of, a common factor that works for you? Do you hate that my fics are short and posted frequentlyish since I find it difficult to write longer things? Should I write more of a pairing or certain team? Should I try something new?
Basically just tell me your feelings about my writing, good or bad. It would really help me at this point to know what you guys think beyond comments in my fic; more generalized. Does that make sense?
Thanks, you guys. You all rock, you know that? - charlie
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