Happy New Year to y'all. :) Love you to bits and I hope you all had a deliciously fantastic time partying or doing whatever you all did last night. ;)
I cannot for the freaking life of me find my list of NY resolutions from last year that I posted, but I know I crossed off at least two of the resolutions at some point, so. \o/
- my list of resolutions / goals -
* Since I wrote a fic that's over 5,000 words (still excited about that, by the way. It's
HERE. 6k, Tazer/Kaner, ensemble halloween party fic, nc-17), this year I'll try writing something over 10,000 words. All one story, NOT something I've already started in 2009 or earlier.
* Sign up for a challenge. Probably not a big-bang or anything, but something that has a deadline and will force me to stick to it, like an exchange. I'm always afraid of doing things like that and this year I'm going to try.
* Not go months at a time without writing anything. I did this last year, I wrote barely anything for a long time and then after I went crazy. So to specify this, I'm going to say... Write at least one fic of 2,000 words each month at the minimum.
* I hate making resolutions for myself about losing weight, but since I'm living on my own (I've been thinking about this lately, anyway), I'm going to try to eat healthier. And I'll stop buying so much junk food to help myself.
* Kiss a boy. I know, it's probably lame. But I never have before, and I'm tired of being 20 (soon to be 21) and never done it. This is less of a resolution and more really really hoping it'll happen this year. *facepalm*
* Figure out what the hell I'm doing with my life.
* Learn to cook actual food.
* Realize that bad things happening does not equal the end of the world.