List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
Tag seven people to do the same.
Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it". Anyone tagged who is not up for it, feel free to pass.
I got tagged by
sarahlizzie , and I figured, what the hell, haven't done a memeish thing in a while, I don't think. 'neeways, here have some completely useless and unimportant facts.
01. I can't sleep without something covering me. If I get warm, I stick my feet out or shove the blankets down around my waist, but I cannot fall asleep if I don't have a blanket or sleeping bag covering part of my body. I guess it's a protection thing.
Also, I use a body pillow while I sleep, but only use the very bottom left or right corner of the pillow, because otherwise I freak out because I can't breathe. Like if I put my face even to the side but in the middle of the pillow, my face is too obstructed, and that's not cool.
02. I rub my feet together as I'm falling asleep. :P Sounds weird, I know, but it's a calming thing. If it's not my feet against each other, it's one foot against the blanket, or the sheet, or whatever. I got it from my mother.
03. I don't get scared easily. I can read Stephen King books and get bored. I can count twice that I've been freaked out by a movie. I watch horror movies as a hobby, I like to compare plotlines and general characteristics of scary movies and stuff. I'm pretty much immune to them now, but they're still sometimes entertaining and good ones can successfully keep me on my toes.
04. I'm left handed. I don't do anything right handed except moving a mouse on a desktop computer. I don't use a mouse with my laptop.
05. I find doing laundry soothing. I think it stems from my job at the Dry Cleaner's back from grade 10-12. In the evenings, I'd have to wash, dry, and fold loads upon loads of laundry from the Clinic in town - stuff like sheets and towels and pillow cases and gowns - and it would keep me focused. Another calming thing.
06. When I discover a new catchy song that I really like, I can listen to it on repeat on my mp3 player for close to a month before I get sick of it, if I get sick of it. Usually I'll be distracted by a new song. Right now, it's
Raise Your Glass, by P!nk, before that it was
2012, by Jay Sean. Speaking of music, I love anything. I'm not a serious fan of Blues or Jazz, or heavy metal, but if it's catchy, I'll listen to it - I don't give a shit whether the song's by Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, N'sync, Kenny Chesney, or The Pussycat Dolls.
With the exception of Lady Ga-Ga. Hate her music. All of it.
07. I hate how shy I get on stage or in groups. I think that if I wasn't so freaked out about performing/singing on stage, I'd be more outgoing and I would have had more chances to demonstrate the singing talent that I've been told I have.
Also. What do you guys use to download music? Free software is preferable.