Jul 09, 2010 14:56
I hate job hunting.
I'm applying to places in the city where I'm moving because my hours at Tim's are less than what I was promised back in May. I told my boss that I wanted to quit my part time job at the video store, but I could only do that if I could be guaranteed full time hours at Tim Horton's. She said sure, did I mind working an evening shift here and there if she couldn't fit me onto the day shift? I said sure, no problem. But.
A) I've been working all evenings for pretty much the entire month of June.
B) For the last three weeks, this week, next week, and the week after that, I only have four shifts a week instead of five like I'm supposed to get.
C) And did I mention those four shifts next week are only 7 hours instead of 8?
Charlie is not a happy camper, folks.
I'm applying to restaurants so that I can make tips on top of my regular wage. It won't be much, but some extra cash for school is always nice. If I get a job here, that means I'll just move sooner, as soon as I can give Tim's my notice and get my stuff all packed. However.
A) I've never been a waitress before.
B) I've only been a hostess, and that was at a relatively small restaurant and only for 3ish months.
C) Being a waitress sounds fucking scary.
D) It's extremely hard to get hired as a waitress, (so I've heard) if you've never been a waitress before. Lots of people are telling me well, you have to start somewhere, right? But I'm still nervous. I applied at five different restaurants that are within like, five-ten minutes of my apartment in the city.
I'm crossing my fingers.
Now, it's hot, I'm in all black (trying to look nice for the managers and such), I'm tired, and I have to go home and hang out with B. even though I really don't want to. *le sigh*
Bye, lovely flist. *waves*
real life,
charlie is not impressed with this shit,
omg wtf