Dec 17, 2002 10:44
Man, I'm still tired from going to Karaoke on Sunday. I hope Jacquie had a great time because she was so looking forward to it!! I was in a tired/pissy mood so I hope I didn't ruin anyone's time. Chris and I had baked cookies for like 5 hours that morning with all of the women in his family and by the time we went to Karaoke I was drained. We only got about 3 1/2 hours of sleep before work on Monday and I don't know how I made it through the day. I had to work until 8:30pm last night and I just dropped on the couch when I got home. I am too old and lazy for the crazy lifestyle anymore. In fact, I'm still recuperating today!! I really hope that I can convince Jax to go to Karaoke on Friday, even if it's at the scary Crow's Nest. Or maybe we can try Wednesday Karaoke, but I'm not doing this Sunday night thing anymore!!
Ok, enough bitching about being tired and old!! It's Christmas time!!! Chris and I still haven't put up our tree yet. Everytime we get around to it someone calls or comes by and we forget about it. But that is all gonna change, because tonight is the night, we're putting it up. I mean it this time! I just wish we had some where special to put it, although I suppose it doesn't matter where it goes because eventually it will end up on the floor. The cats always jump in the tree and every year it ends up on the floor and all the bulbs get smashed. It's a good thing that the cats are so cute, otherwise they'd probably end up outside the entire holiday season.
I haven't purcahsed a single present yet. I am an awful person. I have an idea about what Chris and I are getting everyone, we just need to get our asses in gear and go shopping!!
I heard back from CMH, they are interested in hiring me but they now have to do the background and reference check. Please pray for me!! I really want this job and I could really use some good references from the people they'll be calling. I also have to get three letters of reference, which is hard as hell because I really didn't establish a close relationship with any of my profs. Oh well, hopefully I will get a few good refs from past employers!!
LaVange I miss you and I will try to call you soon. When exactly are you coming to Ludville? Ami, I still don't know when is the best time to get together, but maybe if I can get Jax to help me,then we can figure it out.
I love you all and I hope you're having a great holiday season. And if any of you can find a radio station that's playing Christmas music, will you let me know? Last year I couldn't get away from the Christmas music and this year I can't find one damn station that wants to play any of it!! It's not like Ann Arbor is the most Christian city, you'd think that since I'd moved farther north I'd be swimming in jingle bell music! At least I get to choose the songs I sing in my head:)