Jan 16, 2007 14:26
So the best part of my day so far has been in sociolinguistics. The teacher went around the room asking us questions and when she got to me I started talking about myself and she stopped me and said, have you studied in Latin America? Then I told her about studying abroad in Mexico while the rest of the class stared. This was great, not because I like talking about myself, but for the reason that studying abroad actually paid off. When you're in another country you spend most of the time feeling dumb because you're not a native speaker, but before long you get the hang of it. I left Guanajuato, questioning what I got out of it, and if it was really worth it. But today in class when I watched my other classmates struggle to get out a couple of sentences and listening intently trying to understand what the profesora said I was right there, just going with the flow. It was so instinctual for me and I had no idea how much I had actually learned in Mexico. Before I left I could tell a huge difference between the kids who had studied abroad and who had not. But for some reason in this class it seems as if a lot of the students are struggling with the language. Sorry to gloat it just feels nice that someone could hear an accent from me that was other than American white girl. :)