Mar 05, 2007 20:07
Yup.. today's just one of those days when you feel like everything's been relatively crummy.
Woke up at 9:50, felt really really tired, and had to go with my dad to Malvern Town Centre. Then I just wandered around, staring at stores.. there's really only 2 good stores in that mall, and both of them sell shoes. So basically, practically no variety. The rest of the clothing stores are either super-ghetto, have slutty clothes that I'd never wear in my life, or are for children/old ladies. No book store. It's weird that Malvern is not really a "good" neighbourhood, and they still don't provide items that would encourage learning, such as a BOOKSTORE.
Anyway, so then I realised I forgot my mom's grocery list and promptly gave myself a mental slap. Then when I exited the grocery store, I couldn't find my dad and I spent a good 20 minutes wandering around the mall, trying to phone my dad's cell, I probably looked dazed to most of the mall people. I felt dazed, and I think I've been feeling dazed this entire day.
FINALLY I found him and his phone ringer was off, and in the end I had made 11 attempts to call him. He told me he got a haircut. I fumed at him, telling him he should have called me and telling him I'd been running around the mall in distress. Then I ate a mediocre lunch with him, since that mall also has a shitty food court.
Then we picked up the item we'd gone there for in the first place, a SUPER heavy 5-shelf unit for the kitchen. Sometimes I wish I had a brother so I wouldn't have to get stuck lifting all these heavy things. So then we purchased it, and as we waited for our ride home from Wheeltrans, my dad realised we had missed the ride cuz he got the time of departure wrong. I got further dazed and frustrated. So he told me to phone Beck taxi to get myself a taxi to go home, cuz I had to get home by 3 so that I could go to work. But in case the unit had to stick out of the trunk of the taxi, he told me we had to stick a red thing on the end of it so that drivers could be cautious of the sticking-out item.
So, I went in with a 5 dollar bill from my dad to buy some red tissue paper and tape, and then when I tried to purchase it, the cashier didn't know if it was a real bill or not, so she told me she couldn't accept it. Once again, fumed inwardly. Finally I purchased it, had to help the taxi driver get it in the car. Got home, left the heavy box at the base of the stairs, and used the computer in the small amount of time I had left before I had to go to work.
At work, the amount of students asking me CONSTANTLY to check if their answer was right, or if they needed help got on my nerves, but I didn't show it. I hate that they seem so needy for help. Totally unwilling to try actually THINKING on their own for a good length of time. Geh. So then I finished work at 7:15 pm, and my boss said if I was willing to wait until 8 pm, I could get a ride home with them.. but I really didn't feel like waiting. So I went outside and saw the wind blowing the snow until it was a near white-out and I thought, "...great." so I managed to catch the bus, and battled the winds for 12 minutes to walk home.
Now I'm tired, still slightly dazed, and feeling generally crummy.