Hm. Mom's complaining again. On my birthday. Lovely.
Though, I can't entirely blame her. This time she sorta has a point. She invited a family (michelle and michael and their parents) to come to my birthday party.. well.. I'm not sure about the kids, but I know for sure she invited the parents. Now she got a call from them saying they can't make it. Today. And I found out from Ayrine that Ayrine's parents are going to their place for dinner or something.
So what does that mean? My mom invited them a long time ago and they said they could come.
Were we bumped off the list of importance? Was *I* bumped off their list? I see how it is.
But it doesn't bother me so much. I know who my friends are. It's my mom it bothers more. Another couple cancelled being able to come today. But.. I trust them more. They're a busy couple.
Everytime I hear the preachers in our church talk about needing to be more like a family, and reaching out to others outside.. inwardly I feel my core go bitter. What family? Reaching out? They don't even reach in.