end of an era

Dec 16, 2005 20:11

so last nite was our last ever razz at phono and one of the busiest for a while, was nice to see it off in style. got to play loads of trashy pop and dance like a fool and ended up setting my alarm wrong and getting into work hour and a half late. cue ticket into unemploymentville... ive taken a positive step in recognising my crap over-emotionalness recently, acknowledging it to those that need to know and talking it out. i think im starting to get myself under control even tho it apears im even more gushy. i bumped into an ex tutor of mine today and she asked the predictable 'what you upto/how are you?' and instead of my kneejerk 'oh fine, y'know, cant complain' i went off on a rant, the result of which is that im gonna meet up with her at the start of next term and shes gonna help me find out more about studying in brighton/san fransisco...

im glad ive reigned a bit of it in before my impending christmas parental visitation. theyve been one of my many crying triggers, which makes me feel even worse, but im actually really looking forward to it. Even the traveling. i still hate all the pressure of christmas though, its one of the most depressing times of year and each one gets progressive harder to deal with, i wish it could just be cancelled. seriously. why cant we make our own personal celebrations relevant to our lives? talking of which i have a ticket for kinney shins APT, my real christmas treat to self and subsequent celebrations of things important to me: music and friends (and possibly drinking, err...)

2moz is sat im off to wendyhouse for gothindie fun. emily? check. Jess? eh? anyone else? (nb was very tempted by heffer following manchester fun but i cannot afford to keep doin that...)
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