Nov 15, 2010 14:13

yup ^^

AAA and KAT-TUN will release their new single the same day. ( on the 17 november 2010)
At first, i wanted to say: KAT-TUN will have the best  songs .. but after listening to both singles .. i prefer AAA.
thank animatoria  for AAA and sere_chan for KATTUN for  ' the tracks i didn't get ^^ )


About "Attack All ARound": PARADISE/Endless Figthers.

1. Paradise:

already commented before .. i 'm not a parrot ^^

2. Endless Fighters:

i like the music. Nothing really special to say indeed. that's not their best B-side  but it's not bad.
"normal" singing + the rap part.
but i want to say; with a title like that .. i thought we would have a song more catchy :D

3. Departures

that's a cover.
i prefer from far the AAA version to the original one ^^ ( globe)
it's sweet and the refrain is catchy :D
But i don't like the singing of Misako :(

About KAT-TUN : Change ur world

i like the way they made the cover of the cd ^^ .. the title in many language ^^
on that version: the First one is mine .. yeah french :D

1. Change ur world

it's just Ok

2. Girl:

i like  a lot.

3. give me  give give give me:

it's ok to my ears  but better than the main track.

4. Never x over  is your part:

i'm totally addicted to that song .. so many kind of musics in one :D
they way they call each other before theirs " solo" part

good work there ^^

5. Remember:

it's ok

6. Nito Man:

the solo of Ueda => for the 1st time; i don't like a song from him ...
and what are thos voices of brats we can hear ?_? let the Jr in Their bands for brats girls xDD


- AAA: from the french forum Powaaa
- KAT-TUN: from nautiljion  ( Satchan29)

kat-tun, aaa

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