it seems summer is coming back ...

Jun 16, 2013 11:34

and for good i hope.

Hello my people.

Hope you're doing fine .. i know that most of you are about to finish your school year (Europe, USA) ... about Asia.
Your school year is different from own but you will start, soon too, your summer vacations!

Shame on me .. i gave up a bit my LJ ... that's not i had nothing to write ... its just had the mood lol.

So what happened lately (since a few weeks/months to now)

- I have re-started to draw.
Some cute things i see or i entire create.

I have made some Birthday card my-self: silystya ( a bird) , spifle ( a rabbit kinda similar to her own - i can write it .. i know she doesnt check my lj) , sere_chan ( a playfull kitten)

i promise you liliesinponds => i will offer you a very coloured one for X'mas and your Bday next year!

But coolnat466, you will have to send me your Birthday date. I simly have no idea when it is xD

- i have changed the header on my LJ.
The theme: love is in the air by, as usual "AAA"
Their summer new songs.
( before, i put a bit the "music" one).

Talking about AAAA => because of the help of silystya, i will get some new A-pandas :D ( a Chiaki-Bee ; a Shinjiro-Bee, a Christmas Hidaka, a snowman Nishi .
Yesterday i have found a new AAA stuffs for the I-pod .. its looks cute :D

Ooh, and Urata Noaya made a great cover of "I want it that way" from BSB .. an old american boys band!! Yes, a realy boys band at that time. I was a fan without being addicted. I love theirs songs a lot but i haven't any stuffs about them. i don't have any singles or albums xD .. but, i still look for them on the Internet lol.

i haven't made a theme of "party it up" .. it was too dark .. i prefer a header full of colors !!

- i got 3 weeks of holidays in May.
I did nothing .. the weather were really bad: rain ... rain ... rain .. wind .. rain.
The temperature were under 15°C ... usually, in May, i wear summer clothes.
i wore my winter/fall clothes -___________-'
it was nice to do all what i want: drawing, painting, reading, watching DVD's .. waking up very late ... but i need some sun to "charge"my batteries.
Still now, i am feeling really low and tired.
I don't complain at work .. as they haven't see me for 3 weeks and 3 days.

- Last month, i made a big allergy .. but we don't know the cause T_T
i looked like a marsupilami oO' (yes, a marsupilami is yellow with black spots and a big tail)
i am 'white" with red spots .. about the tail .. my hair is long (does it count?) xD
I have made a blood test => they saw nothing.
But i got a big bruise in my elbow .. and i couldn't use it for 2 hours.
Have i to tell she hurt me? XD

- my piggies felt sick ... i healed them with medecines (at the start) but ended the treatment with plants !!!
It seems the plants work more than the medecines.

- i am still trying to get noticed by Brent Spiner on twitter LOL
i am an urge fan of Star Trek the next generations: i have all the DVDs ( tv series and movies).
From here, that's all i am able to get LOL
Brent Spiner plays the role of "Data", the android !!
That guy is so damned FUNNY!!!

*** Hey, i am here *waves* ****

Its funny .. sometimes i tweet him, i regulary re-tweet what he tweets => no replies.

Last week,i have written a tweet about the book 'secret breakers" => her british author tweeted me back: 3 times!!
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